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                    Marjah is Bleeding

                                              By: Fahim Khairy

Marjah operation started on February 12 and still going on. Kabul government is acting like this district is not even belongs to the country. Many civilians got killed. Many wounded and many displaced and are still wandering in the cold desert. Families flew as the troops entered. Both sides, Taliban and NATO, acting mercilessly on civilians and none of them care what will happen to innocent people.

If Karzai government is corrupted then why NATO didn’t build a camp for civilians and take them out before the operation started? They can bribe Taliban warlords to make peace deal, but they cannot help civilians to get out first. Poor children terrified and loss their fresh blossoming dreams while we are sitting in our warm fancy houses and enjoying our delicious meals.

There are more than three hundreds people works in Karzai palace as advisers, unfortunately nobody speaks about or stand with the people of Marjah. The idea of attacking on Marjah was whispered months ago, but it was all about ‘’how to start the attack’’, however they never discussed that there are people who live in there and should think about them too.

Imagine how hard it is to run away with your wife and children on a desert in a snowy cold weather as the bullets also spread all over you. Taliban is in Islamabad, but the war is in Marjah. I would suggest NATO to bomb Pakistani ISI office instead of those villages.


February 25, 2010









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